
Check back periodically for a list of upcoming events and readings as well as past webinars.

Upcoming Events:


4/18/2017 Post Trump-matic Stress Disorder FREE LIVE WEBINAR


President Trump’s 2016 victory stunned the world and unleashed a new era in U.S. politics.  The Trump presidency has brought profound unconscious forces to surface in the United States with intensities not seen in decades.  The Psychological fallout has been extreme.  Those that watch current events with solely a rational eye, unaware of the deeper psychological forces underlying the headlines, will miss the primary forces afoot and risk being tossed about a chaotic sea of half-truths and symbolic dialogue.

Past Webinars


10/19/2016 The Psyche, Politics, and the West in an Era of Turmoil and Disorder FREE ARCHIVED VIDEO

  Featuring Thomas Singer, Murray Stein, Warren Colman, Betty Sue Flowers, Joerg Rasche, and Steve Buser

9/29/2016 Trump Narcissism Webinar with Steve Buser FREE ARCHIVED VIDEO

  Author and Editor Steve Buser discusses Narcissism, Trump, and the Election as well as how it effects us psychologically.

8/11/2016 Turbulent Times: Is America Coming Undone? FREE ARCHIVED VIDEO

  Featuring Murray Stein, Luigi Zoja, Nancy Furlotti, Nathan Schwartz-Salant, Steve Buser, and Pythia Peay


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